Visually Impaired Persons Guide

Vips Guide is created for blind and visually impaired persons to provide them easy access to knowledge and entertainment in the form of audio books, tutorials, walkthroughs and informative videos on different topics, ranging from education to entertainment, health to technological advancements, fiction to current affairs and disability awareness to general knowledge etc.


eSight - The Electronics Glasses For Visually Impaired Persons

The sight is one of the most important blessing that a person can have. But some people don't have
that blessing they lost their sight. Without sight people have to depend on others, that is what which hurt the most. They got depressed lose their will.
Life become so much easy for them they can do whatever they want to do. They are free to do whatever they want to do. If they have eyes.
it's not just the person who don't have the sight but it also effect on they relative too. Just imagine for one second if the person that is blind can see you for the first time, there is no limit of happiness for that moment.
What if they can see anything just like others?
 Yes now they can see. Thanks to eSight technology they made fantasy into reality.

Every invention has a story eSight was founded in 2006 by Conrad Lewis, a Canadian electrical engineer. He had to sister both are blind they can't see. His motivation to return the eye sight to his sisters. 
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Generation :

     *The first generation of the device named eSight 1, was released in October 2013
     *The second generation was which is named "eSight 2" was released in May 2015. This         generation has a lot new updates and new features and also change in hardware too.           the resolution of screen, color were also enhanced

     *The current Third Generation "eSigth 3" was released recently in February, 2017. This           generation made a new life to those who dare to dreams about sight. 

I also share their official side, i provide link below:

Our main goal for writing this post is to just share with more people as we can maybe our little post help someone to change his/her life. we share information we thought it necessary you can visit the official website for more information or you can watch their videos on youtube  how they change life of so many people.

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