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What will happen if humans disappear from the earth | vips

Have you ever thought? If humans were to be suddenly disappear from the earth, what would happen to our planet? Everyone can answer this question according to his or her own imagination, (As my brother said, "Chimpanzees will be driving our cars.") but today, we're going to answer this question according to the suppositions and estimations of science.
How the world would look like without humans? this question appears to be somewhat childish, because there are approximately 7.8 billion people are living on this earth as of March 2020. It seems to be impossible for humans to vanish suddenly. To be very frank, this is nothing but an imagination of scientists.
An American film, I am a legend, can truly represent this situation. In this film, scientists unintentionally created a lethal virous and thereby killing most of the humans, leaving some of them extremely vulnerable to ultraviolet rays of the sunlight and remaining few were immune to the virus. In our case, let's suppose no man survive the danger and humanity completely become extinct.

Who will know the first?

The artificial satellites orbiting around the earth, will be the first to know the end of humanity from the world. Because sky remains brighter during the night in many places but no one will be there to maintain thermal power and electricity tools. After a few hours, detecting a drop in usage, nuclear power systems will go to automatic safety mode and stop producing power.
Fossil fuel plants will stop working after running out of fuel, wind turbines and solar panels will no longer remain functional without proper maintenance. The whole world will be plunged into deep darkness and satellites will collect this information.

Many animals will die within weeks

Millions of house pets, farm and zoo animals who are not used to hunt down for themselves, will starve and die within a few weeks. The animals manage to survive hunger, will be killed by stronger animals. Also rats, cockroaches, bees and other insects who rely on human activities will lost their lives. Without power and maintenance, sewage will pollute the surrounding lakes and river, may also poison a large number of animals.

Failure of chemical/gas plants and nuclear explosions

Chemical plants used for manufacturing will fail and chemicals can release in the form of dangerous gasses. they may cause a mini nuclear winter after entering into the earth's atmosphere. Much like chemical plants, Natural gas plants would fail without humans to take care of them. The gasses would begin to vent and may eventually reach our fuel reserves causing explosions and fires that will burn for days.
Finally, Nuclear plants will melt down after emergency generators run out. Cooling pools will be evaporated and temperature will exceed its limits causing mass nuclear explosion far worse than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Dangerous radiations would span the globe for thousands of years.
The lands will become barren for years. All the living things near the thermal power plants will be extinct. However, Creatures living in distant mountains, forests and seas will survive these explosions.

Sea levels rise

The humans who use billions of billions of liters of water every day, will not be there. As a result, sea waters will be raised from ground level. Nearby cities and structure will be flooded and finally fall down to the ground.

The air will be clearer

Factories and industries producing dangerous chemicals and gasses will cease to exist, airplanes, cars and other vehicles will stop polluting the environment and atmosphere will be cleaned. With the reduction of carbon and other chemicals, the air will become more clearer and the stars, which are not visible due to the environmental pollution, will begin to appear but unfortunately, no one will remain alive to see them.

Homes and buildings will crumble

After a few years, Homes and buildings, survive the disasters discussed above, will start to fall down to the ground. They will be converted in ruins and piles of rubbles. Mushrooms and other vegetations will hollow out them and roads will be covered with moss and grass. Within a few hundred years, the cities and forests will be undiscernible from one another.

Animals will rule the world

Due to the absence of humans, animals will start appearing in the cities and there will be animals everywhere. According to a report, 90 percent population of all large fishes have been disappeared from the world's oceans in the half past century. So, after the human exit, aquatic animals will also begin to flourish. After a few hundred years, House pets will be killed by wild animals and remaining few will take the form of their ancestors living on the earth before humans.
According to some scientists, after the mass exit of humanity, there will be a war between animals to take the place of humans. Chimpanzees will be first amongst them, as humans share about 98 percent of their DNA with them, making them their closest living relative.

Long term changes

After hundred years, houses, buildings and every man-made thing had been demolished. maybe some strong buildings and rocks will be taking their last breath. Five hundred years later, no evidence of cities will remain. After ten thousand years, there will be no harm of global warming and earth's temperature will be reduced by 2.5 percent.
Ice will be increasing in the north pole and seas will become icy. There will be no evidences of nuclear plants on the earth. Once man used to live in the world? nothing will remain to answer this question.
What will be left behind? electromagnetic radiations! yes, Amazingly, the signals we sent in the space and fragments of telephone, radio and television signals will remain forever leaving the clues for future interstellar explorer to decipher about the beings that once walked planet earth.
At last, these are all the assumptions and imaginations of the scientists, just like countless others. But these estimates are based upon the threats technological progress have posed to the humanity. For instance, we are familiar with the consequences of a nuclear explosion or power breakdown. It is understood that our systems will collapse in a blink without proper human maintenance.
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